Learn Vocabulary from Stranger Things

3 min readJun 29, 2021


It’s pretty tough to remember new words when it is not your native language. But there are various ways where can you improve this skill. Out of which, grasping words from web series is one of the easiest ways.

Let’s catch up with the most captivating web series which is Stranger things.

It is an American science fiction horror drama series. The plot starts with a young boy who went disappearing into the woods. It’s actually not disappearing, but something beyond. As you are already aware of the story, I really don’t want to spend much time on it. But if you haven’t, then quickly grab your Netflix and watch this exceptionally intriguing show.

As the show presently ends with Season 3, so I will probably be reminding most of the words from that.

  1. Priss — a person who thinks they are too good for everyone or everything Example: ‘Nancy is such a priss.’ — By Robin
  2. Entrée — the main course of a meal
    Example: ‘Would you like to order your entrée sir?’— By waiter to Jim Hopper
  3. Dork — an odd, unstylish person
    Example: ‘You are a dork’ — Find out
  4. shoved — push something or someone roughly
    Example: ‘I should have shoved that teddy bear right up his face’ — By Mike
  5. Bitching — excellent
    Example: ‘You are bitching.’ — By Kali
  6. Dingus — dim-witted, silly or foolish person
    Example: ‘Hey dingus, your children are here?’ — By Robin
  7. Moron — a stupid person
    Example: I used to think Jim was a moron.
  8. Flay — to strip off the skin or outer covering of something
    Example: ‘Flay this, you ugly piece of shit’ — By Lucas
  9. Pep talk —a talk intended to make someone feel more courageous or enthusiastic
    Example: ‘I really don’t need a Jonathan Byers pep talk right now.’ — By Nancy Wheeler
  10. Spycraft — skills and techniques employed by spies
    Example: ‘He’s on spycraft.’ — By Robin
  11. Uproar — a loud noise or disturbance
    Example: ‘There was a huge uproar in the city’ — By Jim Hopper
  12. butchering — ruin deliberately or through incompetence
    Example: ‘Yeah, but you’re butchering it, so could you please stop?’ — By Dustin
  13. Gnarly — difficult, dangerous or challenging
    Example: It was a gnarly session.
  14. Lump — collection, combine or put together
    Example: ‘Don’t lump me with them.’ — By Steve
  15. Tamed — domesticated
    Example: ‘Some monsters can be tamed by good people’ — By Dustin
  16. Muppet — incompetent or foolish person
    Example: ‘She sounds like a muppet.’ — By Steeve
  17. Mouth breather —a stupid person
    Example: ‘I was tripped by this mouth breather’ — By Mike
  18. shocked me to the core — extremely shaken or shocked
    Example: ‘It shocked me to my core’ — By Robin
  19. intercepted — to receive a signal or communication, usually secretly
    Example: ‘I intercepted a secret Russian communication’ — By Dustin
  20. Douchebag — disgusting, unpleasant person
    Example: ‘Don’t waste your time on that douchebag.’ — By Robin

Note: Most of the words are informal and professionally not accepted. I recommend to use these only with your peers.

